I am in the Bachelor of Arts program, Majoring in Anthropology & Sociology Studies, the Associate of Arts Degree, and working towards receiving the Indigenous Studies Certificate, and I am a 4th year student. The Philosophy I live and work by is exhibited as a strong drive and determination as a Positive Role-Model who Respects others, Encouraging, Caring, and Open-Minded. This was exhibited through dancing, stick games, continued education, and a desire to learn more about the world around me. This drive is constant and in all areas of my life –from inspiring and collaborating with others and proud of our Indigenous culture, to self-employment initiatives, as well as career development, which continually enhances throughout my life.
The Indigenous Knowledge Makers Program, was very inspiring to attend because you meet others who are there whose main focus is to having that exceptional commitment to attaining personal and educational success, in order to make a difference. It was very powerful words that was said while attending the workshop, and it has empowered me knowing that, “I Am A Knowledge Maker”! I am not only a Knowledge Maker however, I have and always intend to continue to obtain knowledge from all who surround me whether, its family, peers, instructors, and past / present. Kukstetemc to those who attended the workshops: students, elders (Mike, Estella, Margaret, and Doreen), and facilitators (Sereana, Airini, Jeffery, and Vernie), and guests. Knowing that all the stories, knowledge, and future of our nation is on the path of resurgence, gives me a sense of relief because we are all connected in one way or another! Aho